Happy Accidents #074 - The 4 Types of Luck

Chase, Chance, and Creativity

Welcome to Happy Accidents, where we uncover tales of serendipity and innovation that have shaped our world.

This week, we're taking a different approach. Rather than sharing a story of accidental success, we’re diving deep into the world of luck with a spotlight on Dr. James Austin's illuminating book, "Chase, Chance, & Creativity: The Lucky Art of Novelty".

Let's explore the four types of luck outlined in this insightful work, along with captivating examples and the valuable lessons they offer.

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Let's dig in, shall we?

Dr. James Austin, a distinguished neurologist and professor, invites us to examine luck through a multifaceted lens in his book, "Chase, Chance, & Creativity".

Instead of viewing luck as a mere stroke of fate, Austin categorizes it into four distinct types:

  • Blind luck

  • Skilled luck

  • Systemic luck

  • Psychic luck

Blind luck, the first type, encompasses those unforeseen events that occur purely by chance. A great example of this is the story of the discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895.

While experimenting with cathode rays, Roentgen noticed a mysterious glow on a nearby screen, leading to the revelation of a groundbreaking form of radiation that would revolutionize medicine and imaging technology.

I’ve shared many examples of these types of stories in the newsletter over the past 70+ editions.

BUT. In each case, the person still had to be bold and smart enough to capitalize on their unexpected opportunity.

Skilled luck, on the other hand, involves our ability to recognize and capitalize on opportunities through honed expertise and deliberate practice.

Take the tale of J.K. Rowling, whose journey from struggling single mother to bestselling author of the Harry Potter series is a testament to the power of perseverance and skill.

Despite facing rejection from multiple publishers, Rowling persisted in refining her craft, ultimately creating one of the most beloved literary franchises of all time.

Was it skill or luck? Likely a combination of the two.

Systemic luck often arises from being in the right place at the right time, benefiting from favorable circumstances or environments.

Consider the meteoric rise of Amazon under the visionary leadership of Jeff Bezos. Founded during the dot-com boom of the late 1990s, Amazon capitalized on the growing popularity of e-commerce, paving the way for its transformation into the global juggernaut it is today.

Would Amazon had been as successful if Bezos came along with the idea 5 years earlier or 5 years later?

Probably not. His timing was (luckily) perfect.

Psychic luck, the fourth type, taps into our innate creativity and intuition, allowing us to envision novel solutions and possibilities.

A prime example is the story of Alexander Graham Bell and the invention of the telephone. By combining his background in speech and hearing with his inventive spirit, Bell pioneered a communication device that would connect people across vast distances, shaping the course of human history.

I’m not sure I’m sold on this one being considered a type of luck. For me, Steve Jobs was an incredible visionary and saw products that people needed before they knew they did (same as Bell with the telephone).

Is that lucky or incredibly gifted? You be the judge.

Until next time, stay lucky my friend 🍀🍀🍀

The Most Serendipitous Man in the World

Happy Accidents Podcast

I go through these 4 types of luck in the latest episode of the podcast as well. Check it out here:

Dennis Geelen

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